Tuesday, August 14, 2012

If at first you don't succeed....

Let's try this again, shall we?  Maybe I'll actually keep up with it this time.  :)

So Matt's away on a business trip this week.  I am sad.  Lonely.  A little frustrated.  In need of a break.  And some grown-up talk.  But tomorrow is Wednesday already, and he comes home on Friday.  I'm trying to keep busy, on purpose, but it is actually very difficult.  I didn't know it would be so tough to actually DO the things I was going to do to stay busy.  I have a new-found respect and awe for moms who do this 24/7 as single moms or military wives, and for those who do it often due to their husband's business trips.  I have also discovered (though I think I knew this already) that I cannot survive without my hubby.  I went to hang up our new dry-erase board and found I needed to drill the holes for the screws.  Don't know how to work the drill...  Don't know how to mow the lawn, but luckily Matt had already arranged that to be done by the neighbor kid.  Even just having to bring the trash can up from the end of the driveway and change the cat litter - things he usually does - I just know I never want to be alone.  After 10 years of marriage, we really, truly ARE One.  And doing things apart is just, well, silly.  I need someone to bounce ideas off of, to have deep conversations with, and to tell secrets to.  I need my hubby.    Come quickly, Friday, please come quickly!

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