OK, so I'm feeling down in the dumps today. We've been doing the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Baby Steps since about May, and things have been going pretty good. We've got money in the bank, plenty to fall back on, etc. Then, suddenly, out of the blue, yesterday we get hit by an overdraft notice and a $10 fee for them to transfer the money from our savings account. Totally took me by surprise, because we haven't been stepping outside of our budget. We've been doing very well. Then today, bam! Another one! What the heck??? So now I'm trying to figure out the receipts and going through the bank statements trying to figure out the error. It didn't help that Matt's company "screwed up" 2 paychecks ago and gave us extra and then "fixed" the error by giving us less this last time. I'm thinking that's what messed it all up, but then again, how could it if I'm still within all the budgeting and all the numbers for the month added up? I'm really confused. I was at the $1000 emergency fund, ready to start snowballing every extra penny into the credit card and then our student loans and car loan, and then this happens! My entire $1000 is wiped out (well, just about, we'll see what happens tomorrow). It's so frustrating! This always happens. We feel like we're on track, watching what we spend, being extra careful, and then suddenly, all the money is gone, and we have no clue how it even happened. SO frustrating. I am so depressed tonight, I don't even want to look at the receipts anymore. I've got them all in order and ready to enter into Quicken (granted, I haven't done it in a while, but I was on vacation at the time I normally would have done it, and then when we got home I've been homeschooling and showing the house practically every day since), but I just don't have the heart or ambition to do it. I don't want it to be my mistake. I don't want to have missed something that I forgot to put into the budget or something dumb like that. I am so bad with these numbers. I can't even balance a checkbook without the aid of Quicken or Money. Go figure, I can do calculus in my sleep...
So anyway, that's that, I guess.
Oh, and then Matt has the audacity to suggest that he go to a movie tonight! "But it's only Budget, and it's only $2! I can get that from the change bucket!" So here I am by myself, with 3 little girls who absolutely refuse to go to sleep, with all these receipts staring at me and no one to help me with them or the kids. So anyway, I guess we're just going to be stuck in debt forever, because evidently someone doesn't want us to get out of it. I just have no idea what to do anymore.
And that's my rant for the evening. :-/
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