Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dumb finances

I hate balancing the checkbook. It's tedious to enter in the receipts, it's a pain to go through and check off everything from the bank while you make sure it's entered in Quicken, and I absolutely hate when I'm off somehow and we're in the hole. 2 days in a row this week we got overdraft charges, and we couldn't figure out why. After getting all the receipts entered, checks entered, bills entered, automatic payments entered, and balancing the checkbook from our bank statements, we finally determined this must have been snowballing since before we began the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover, and we never did have as much to work with as we thought while we were planning the budget. So when Matt gets paid on Friday (mind, we still have to get groceries for the week and gas, and we have around $50-$60 in cash to last us until Friday, plus a $100 gift card from T-Mobile), we have to somehow figure out how much we're in the hole, subtract that from our income for the month, and then budget based on those numbers. It has me very worried, because I'm not sure we'll have enough for groceries and things like TP and laundry detergent. But, we somehow make it through all the time, and things get back to normal. So... I guess I'll just work the numbers some more, start in on our next budget, and try even harder to make this work. I think we're going to move the SAM storage unit (about $100 a month) over to our checking account and get it off the credit card once his raise starts going through. We're not sure if that will happen with this paycheck or the next. Somehow, it will all work out. I have confidence that the Lord will see us through and make sure we have food to eat, a roof over our heads, and clothes on our backs. I just have to learn to trust Him.

So other than that, I did about a half a load of dishes and that was it today. I slept late, then I took a 2 hour nap this afternoon, and I have a headache and I feel like I got WAY too much sleep. Well, I did. :-/ Now I'm yawning while listening to my toddler scream at me that she's hungry. Too bad it's bedtime... :)

Have a good night!


Maria said...

Wow, that all just sucks:( Do you guys get WIC? I know it's not a lot, but it might help, especially with three kids and prices going up all the time. Still, you guys have never struck me as the type of people who over spend or anything so it has to be frustrating when you are so good with your spending and STILL you end up in this situation. Big (((HUGS))). I hope things get better soon.

Sara said...

No, don't get WIC. We believe in being independent (and, on a more political note, I believe relying on the government for help promotes socialism, which is already starting to happen in America, but we won't go there - I'll leave that for another blog entry :P

Anyway, yeah, we really don't spend frivolously, but things just bite us in the rear sometimes, and we are trying to roll with it. We'll get it straightened out sometime. Honestly, before Matt got his new job a year ago, we would overdraft just about every pay period. Now, before we started the budgeting stuff, it was every other month/every 3 months. We're up to 4 months now, so it is getting better. :D