Thursday, November 2, 2017

Five Solas

Today for Poetry Tea Time, we studied hymns and their rhyming.  You know, AABB, ABABCC, AABCBCDD, and all that?  It was fun!  They really started to catch on (especially the oldest two).

After we studied 4 hymns and their rhyming patterns, we each took a stab at writing our own hymn (ie, rhyming pattern poem).  Here's mine!  Can you spot the pattern?


By grace alone
Christ did atone;
Our deeds can earn us nothing.

Through faith alone
Heav’n we now own;
Children of the heav’nly King.

In Christ alone
We find our hope;
We’re sure of our salvation.

Scripture alone,
Failsafe doctrine;
It is our sure foundation.

To God alone
All glory giv’n;

Alleluia and Amen!

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