Friday, April 3, 2009

Talked to the OB

We are hoping this baby is one of those rare ones who likes to drop early. But she said "take it easy" for the next couple weeks. If I can make it to week 35, then they will probably just let labor continue if he should happen to want to come early. Otherwise, if my contractions get 6+ in an hour, then I'm supposed to call right away. Have only had a handful of those today, so thank goodness! I needed a break after all the ones I had yesterday! So I'm just kind of hanging out here waiting for week 35, then I'll feel so much better about him coming early.

So speaking of "taking it easy," we *should* be having our 2nd showing tomorrow afternoon, but our realtor said it would be pretty last minute. She should call tomorrow sometime to let me know for sure. Let's just hope she calls and they still want to do the showing!!! We did have a showing tonight, but no feedback yet. Dad is here for the weekend, so it was nice having someone to help with the dishes and other general cleaning. Plus he did some more detailed stuff that I just plain never have time to do. It's shining a little more now, so that's nice! So "taking it easy" might be a little difficult between showings and possibly packing to move and looking for a new house. We shall see! For now, I will just concentrate on getting through the 2nd showing without missing something major. :D

Keep those prayers coming! I WANT TO MOVE!!!! LOL

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