Thursday, April 2, 2009

Requesting lots more prayers!

I know, I know, it seems this is all I do anymore. :) But we got a last-minute showing today, and the realtor called back and said they want a 2nd showing! Please pray that this is The One!!!

Then there's this other problem. Baby has dropped so much in the last week, and I feel him VERY low. I've been getting plenty of contractions, but don't think they're "real" (I hope!). I go to the OB in the morning, so hopefully everything is OK, but please pray that he's not attempting to get out early! I'm only at 33 weeks, and Baby needs to make it to at least week 38 before making his entrance into the world. I'm very worried about him, and I hope that the dr can put my mind at ease tomorrow. Matt put me on "modified bed rest" himself tonight. :P He's doing a lot of stuff for me, and I mostly just sit. :D I'm not complaining about that part....

So any prayers you can throw God's way would be most appreciated. I'll be giving another update when I know something more.

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